The Chicago House of Prayer is committed to seeing the nation of Israel walking in their full destiny at the end of the age. Our primary role is to pray for and partner with Messianic Jews who are living in Israel. The operation and visitation of the Spirit in Israel is a vital part of releasing the great end-time harvest among the nations (Ezekiel 36:23-36). However, this full release of the Spirit will only come as a result of a body of believers who are committed to a life of night and day prayer, living a fasted lifestyle.

Jesus Himself prophesied that He would raise up a last-day prayer movement that would cry out for the Jewish people (Isaiah 56:6-7, 62 :6-7). We take this mandate seriously. Our mission is to mobilize an international prayer movement that would pray 24/7 for the nation of Israel to receive their Jewish Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus). Jesus promised the nation of Israel an unusual visitation of His presence at the end of the age, when the Jewish leaders will recognize Him as their true Messiah and deliverer. (Matthew 23:39)

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